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How decluttering changed my life

Have you ever had that moment where you look around your house after cleaning and you still feel a sense of anxiety because despite your efforts and hard work your house still feels like a mess? If so, you may just have too much clutter.

indoor design

Decluttering your home can be so rewarding. It gives you a sense of cleanliness. It gives you a sense of peace. Ever heard the expression, "less is more?" It is so true. Here is how you do it.

Getting rid of clutter

“One man's trash is another man's treasure.”

I realize it may be hard to get rid of things. Afterall, there is a reason you bought it in the first place. Here's a tip. Pick up that item, hold it in your hand, if it does not give you a sense of joy immediately you can get rid of it. If you have not used it within the last six months, get rid of it. Do not throw it away. Donate it. That will make you feel a little better about it.

One room at a time

Start with the smallest room in your house, possibly the laundry room. Take everything out. Paint the walls a light color if it needs it. Add back the big, bulky necessary items. Everything must have a space with room around that item. Then add back the must haves. Keep in mind, each item needs its own space. It should have bubble space just like humans need bubble space. With the rest of the items use the does it bring me joy when I hold it method. Everything else must go!


Keep a color scheme. Have no more than four colors in your space. For example, cream, rose, natural wood and black. Use wicker baskets to hide odd colors like your laundry soap and softener. Use storage bins within your color scheme to hide other items and keep it organized.

Once you have finished one space take a couple days to enjoy it. This will motivate you to begin the next space. It will also give you time to decide which space that will be, what colors you want to include and what items you may want to donate.

How decluttering changed my life

“After each room was decluttered, I found it faster to clean which meant more time for myself”

It was so much easier and faster to clean my spaces once it was decluttered. It gave me a chance to do the things that always ended up at the bottom of my to do list. And being able to do those not as important things gave me that sense of relief I was looking for when I cleaned my house in the first place.

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