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5 reasons to wake up at 5am

It is possible to have me time away from your hectic life. Yes, you may have to wake up before the birds, but it can be so rewarding.

woman holding a book, next to a coffee mug

Drink Hot Coffee

“Coffee saves lives, just ask my children.”

Ever make that pot of coffee and imagine how delicious it's going to be paired with your favorite creamer (or black if that's your preference)? You imagine the warm drink going down only to give you that extra pep in your step you're going to need to get your hectic morning started? Then, you pour it into your favorite cup. You're about to take a drink and you hear that precious little voice call out your name. Next thing you know twenty minutes go by, you reach for that first sip only to realize it's ice cold and their is a fruit fly floating in it belly up and wings out. Suddenly, your potential bright morning has turned a little gray.

Get up early, make that pot of coffee, pour that cup then sit and enjoy it hot from the pot!

Get in your daily exercise routine

I have lived the better part of a year paying on a gym membership only to go once or twice. I always have an excuse and it usually pertains to something that is higher on my daily priority list and includes work or family obligations. I have found that they only way I am going to get it that daily exercise that is much needed is to do it early in the morning when the family is still sleeping.

My excuses

“I'm tired.” "It's too cold." "It's too hot." "It's raining." "It's too late."

Remember how your clothes don't fit, your body feels sluggish, your skin doesn't glow, you don't have energy, you want to feel beautiful, you're regretting what you ate, you wish you worked out, you wanted to change before making another unhealthy choice.

Read your favorite book

I don't know about you, but I love to read. Yet, I have managed to not pick up a book in years. I also can't seem to get through a single chapter without wanting to fall asleep if the clock says anything past five o'clock in the afternoon. My only chance to get those chapters in is if it is early in the morning before the family wakes up.

5 Benefits to Reading

  1. Reduces Stress

  2. Ensures good metal health

  3. Expands imagination

  4. Increases knowledge, concentration, vocabulary and memory

  5. Acts as a source of enjoyment


When feeling overwhelmed by anxiety or stress, it can be hard to ground yourself or focus on a task. Although stress and anxiety are normal—and biologically necessary responses in certain situations—experiencing them on a regular basis can pose a risk to your health.

Meditation is a mind-body practice in which your attention is focused on being mindful of the present, your breath and your mind to promote awareness, cultivate wellbeing and reduce stress and anxiety. It comes in many forms and can be practiced almost anywhere, so long as you can be aware of your body and surroundings. Types of meditation vary throughout each person’s practice and can include breathing-based meditation, mindfulness practices, nature-based visualization, mantra and spiritual meditation.

Take a bath

On my days off I am lucky to have even take a 3-minute shower before my children's bedtime. Forget taking a bath and enjoying a little me time.


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